Photo credit: Sophie Wood, Australia
Our employees make a difference in their communities through local actions to help people and the planet.
Below are just a few examples of ERM employees working together over a very challenging year in many areas around the world. Although pandemic-related restrictions limited options, our employees persisted in different ways to make a positive difference.
- ERM Sydney office cooked rescued food to make meals for Ozharvest to distribute to people in need.
- MOVEvember step-up program, a 30-day step-up program conducted for staff in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore from November to December 2020, raised funds for Salvation Army Singapore.
- Grassroots campaigns took place across ERM offices for encouraging meat-free and plant-based diets and minimizing single-use plastic at work and at home.
- ERM Germany staff participated in a clean up of a nearby forest.
- ERM colleagues from Belgium and Netherlands collected waste during walks and runs with friends and families.
- In our Russia office, "Seedlings in exchange for waste paper" resulted in 30 seedlings planted in Moscow region.
- Employees in our US office in Overland Park, Kansas, planted 50 trees through Carbonfund.org Foundation, which helps fight global warming by supporting reforestation projects.
- Employees picked up bags of trash from the grounds surrounding our US office in Holland, Michigan.
- Across offices, employees promoted home composting and gardening information by sharing tips and encouraging their collegues' efforts.
- Many employees conducted their own litter clean-ups near their homes, often with the help of family members and neighbors.
ERM Sydney office cooked rescued food to make meals for Ozharvest to distribute to people in need. We had a ball and learned some useful skills too. And we chopped a lot of onions!"
Sophie Wood
Partner, ERM